New podcast - Divine. Messy. Human. Episode 1 - Why Divine. Messy. Human?

Divine. Messy. Human.The Podcast - Episode 1 - Why Divine. Messy. Human?

Hello, and welcome to Divine. Messy. Human. This is my new podcast and I am your host, Amanda Kate. So who am I? And why would you tune in? Well, I am a kinesiologist, an archetypal life coach, a mentor, a mother, a partner, a dog mom, a spiritual seeker, and so much more besides.

I have been on this journey for over a decade now of delving into the mind body spirit connection, of learning new things, unlearning old things, repatterning my nervous system responses, and delving deep into my soul to find out who I am and what I love.

What I do know is the more that I've learned on this journey, the less I know, and the more I want to know.

It is such a massive field of new discoveries and ancient wisdom and everything in between. And I find it fascinating. And I'd love to invite you on this journey with me, as we navigate all the different ways that we can explore our mind, body and spirit.

I did about six years worth of study in four years for my kinesiology diploma. I did my advanced international diploma of Kinesiopractic, where we went into spiritual, emotional, mental, and more. And lots of other techniques as well, including quantum neurology and total body modification.

I did my Reiki and Reiki two. I have done some mentorship in psychic and mediumship. I have worked with different coaches, and mentors, and hypnotherapists, and acupuncturists, and people from so many different modalities, and it has opened my eyes to this whole universe that I had no idea existed before.

And I love it.

It is not just my job, it is my life now, and I find it super exciting. Now I think I mentioned before, I am not ready to start this podcast... I'm going to put it out there. I am green as you like. I have no experience in this realm, however, what I do know is that if I wait until I'm ready, I will never, ever do it.

That may sound familiar to some of you, some of you may really resonate with that. And I understand that. Because that's a really human thing.

What I also know is that as soon as I mentioned, I might think about starting a podcast, it was like, when I told people I was pregnant.

And all of a sudden, all of this advice came out of the woodwork. What programs do I use? How do I edit? Do I edit? What visuals do I use? Do I do video and audio? All of the things.

So, you know what happened? I got overwhelmed and I parked the project. And I've been sitting on it, even though I have done so much content planning, and deciding who I want to have on as guests, when I get to that point in the future. And I've done so much of that stuff.

But what put me off was what if I choose the wrong program? What if I'm not ready? What if I pay for a subscription for a program and then I don't like it, or it doesn't do what I wanted to do.

What if these people were right and these people were wrong, and the program that they love is the right one, and the one that I've gone for isn't. And what happens if I don't learn all the lessons that they've learned in their podcasting journey to make my podcasting journey easier.

You can see how I started getting overwhelmed, how I was listening to all of the external influences, and I wasn't tuning in to my own internal truth which is... I am going to get things wrong. I am going to say things that I regret I am going to be messy. I am sometimes going to channel amazing staff and it will be divine... and the whole thing will be a human experience.

We can't all start off as professionals. We need to start somewhere.

And so, if you're willing to stick with me, all I can promise you is that I'll practice. And hopefully, with that practice, will come improvement. Practice never makes perfect it just makes better and that's all I'm aiming for.

So, why Divine. Messy. Human.? What's that got to do with anything?

Well, Divine. Messy. Human. is the name of my book. And Divine. Messy. Human. has a couple of different meanings.

So prior to me finding this personal and spiritual development work that I'm doing I denied my divinity, and I suppressed that spiritual side of myself because I'd been told before that it was woo woo , and it was out there, and it was not the kind of thing that people 'like us' did. That it was too far away from that logic and that science and the way that things are done.

And I get it. It can be scary when you put your toes into waters that are not,so-called normal for you.

So I denied my divinity. And I also tried to hide my messiness.

I put up this facade that I had my shit together, that I was fucking normal. That I could do life easily and effortlessly, and that I was fun and social and it was hard keeping that facade up, but every time it looked like that facade would crumble, I would double down. Any time those cracks looked like they were going to be discovered I would re-paper over them and put my shiny, bright foot forward as best I could.

However, the messiness always pops out in strange ways. It's never as hidden as we think it will be. People could see through it. People could see my suppressed anger. They didn't know what, why it was there. But they could see it.

They could see all of the things that I thought I was hiding so beautifully well. My insecurities, my lack of belief in self, my lack of boundaries was glaringly obvious. And what all of that effort in denying my divinity and refusing to acknowledge my messiness did, it made my human existence really, really hard.

Now what I've learned since I've started dipping my toe into this personal and spiritual development journey, is that I am part of the divine. As is everybody else. We are all connected to that God source or goddess source of love and compassion and empathy and divinity and joy and happiness and peace.

We all have that within us. We are all part of the divine.

And when we couple that with accepting our messiness as human beings there's some times, yes, we are going to see the divine in the world and we're also going to experience tumultuous times. We're going to experience grief and hardship. And times where we just feel like the world is railing against us.

And that messiness makes our human experience human.

And when we can accept our divinity, and have empathy and compassion for our messiness, our human experience does get easier.

I know because I've traversed some pretty dark times in my life. I was in an emotionally abusive marriage. I went through divorce. I'm raising young children. I had a miscarriage. I have suffered grief. I have suffered all sorts of life's curveballs that get thrown.

And also, I have learned ways to relate to the world, to interact with the world, and to respond to those events, in ways I never thought possible. And I have to honestly say that today I am living a life that I never thought possible only seven short years ago when I was in the middle of that trauma.

And now as I feel into my world I feel content and happy and peaceful. Even when things are going so crazy outside of myself. There is this anchor within me that connects me to something so much bigger than me. So. Much. Bigger.

And in the traumas, in the events that are not so much fun that anchor is like this tether that keeps me from veering off the deep end, from feeling lost, and disconnected, and lonely, the way that I used to.

I've moved from illness with chronic fatigue, the start of a couple of other auto immune diseases, and so much more into a place where I'm healthy and vital.

I have more energy now than I had 10 years ago. I understand my body. The thing chronic illness gives you is a deep understanding of what's going on under the surface in your body, and it is such beautiful knowledge.

So all of this stuff is kind of what I want to delve into with you guys. I want to take you on a journey. Some of it will be my experience. Some of it will be things I've learned along the way. Some of it will be other people's teachings. And I want to bring guests on. I want to delve into the body, mind spirit, the connection, our connectiveness as a collective conscience.

But not just that we are all one, but that we are all unique expressions of that oneness. And that as we embrace our unique expression, and as we become more confident bringing it out into the world and sharing it with other people, and finding our voice, reconnecting to our creativity, and reconnecting to one another, I believe that we can make this world a better place.

I believe we can tap into a greater emphasis of love and compassion and empathy and togetherness. That we can heal some of the divides that have been created in the world. That we can bring more grace into our everyday life. That we can surrender to divinity when life gets hard, when things are railing against us and we feel like sometimes there's no way out.

I am so excited to be starting this journey with you. Even though I'm not ready. I know we're going to learn together.

Please reach out to me if there are any topics at all you want me to cover. Email me, message me through your favorite social media app, and I cannot wait to connect more deeply with each and every one of you, and share this journey with you along the way.

I am going to be constantly growing, evolving, and changing. I will never be the same person tomorrow that I am today because there's always something new to learn.

So come and get curious with me. Come on play with me.

Come and have fun. Come and deep dive.

Nothing is off limits, but where we go there is no judgment, there is just open-mindedness. And love.