A love letter to myself for Valentine's Day....2020

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Last year, I was invited by a Facebook group owner to write myself a love letter for Valentine’s Day. Today, I sit down to do the same and I invite you to do the same. I’d love you to share yours with me!

Dear Amanda,

You made it through another year. Another trip around the sun. Yes, there are more wrinkles, a few more grey hairs, a little extra softness around the hips and belly, but all in all, it’s not been a bad 12 months.

I love that you identify your boundaries and are no longer afraid to enforce them. You’re recognising faster and faster with practice when you are out of alignment and moving back into congruency with greater efficiency, less fear and a lot less sleepless nights!

I love that you understand your challenges, perceived shortcomings and shadows, and work hard to shine a light on them so they have less of a hold over you. You are also less afraid to ask for help now that you understand yourself and your strengths better.

I love your tenacity, your ability to find new ways to attack things when you’re facing a challenge and that you don’t give up on the road to success….. unless you’ve realised that you’re not moving forward and perhaps that one isn’t the path for you after all.

Your discernment is growing. You are quicker to recognise false friends, those on different paths and situations that aren’t meant for you, and you’re more prepared to do something about it without worrying as much as you used to that you won’t be liked for being you.

Your confidence is growing, as is your belief in yourself. I love that it’s safer and more comfortable to inhabit this body, now that we’re friends. It took you long enough, but I think it was worth the wait!

Every day, you strive to be the best you can be and to show up with authenticity and courage - with your children, your partner, your clients and most importantly yourself. You don’t always hit the mark ‘perfectly’, but lets face it, you’ll always be a beautiful work in progress, messily human and reflect after each interaction how you can do better so that you can love to the best of your ability and change your reactions for the future.

I love that you’re a work in progress.

I love that you are now unafraid of that.

I love the path you follow.

I love your growing acceptance of Self.

I am really proud of what you’ve achieved and what you are set to achieve this year.

Keep showing up, keep doing the work, keep shining your light and stay in your lane.

I love you.

Amanda xx

Amanda Kate