2022 - The Year of the Yang Water Tiger

Image by hartono subagio from Pixabay

Image by hartono subagio from Pixabay

I don't know where January disappeared to but, goodness, it seemed to fly by! We are now welcoming in the Lunar New Year - the Year of the Yang Water Tiger. This is the time of the year when the energy seems to set in. I tend to find January is a place-holder month - one whereby we don't seem to achieve as much as we can in 'normal' months. We are in a place of reflection, planning and, especially in the Southern Hemisphere, the joys of holidays and summer.

What does the Year of the Yang Water Tiger mean for you?

Well, to start with, when we think of tigers in the wild they are graceful, strong and determined. They know the importance of play and rest in their lives, and balance that with necessary action. As hunters, they step lightly and are discerning, expending energy only when they need to and not killing more than they need for their own survival. They are not destructive for destruction's sake.

What does this mean for us? It is a time to question whether our energetic outputs are reaping rewards or if they are efforts going to waste. Sometimes we need to discern our energetic investment and refocus our attention to become more devoted to our path, achieving the things we want to achieve rather than the things we are distracting ourselves with.

Our instincts are always in play - is this in my Highest Good? Or does something else need to be prioritised? Can you trust your instincts or do you need to hone them and tap into your internal compass with greater trust and devotion?

This year we can choose to intentionally focus on whether our energy is being used wisely, the way the tiger uses theirs. Do we need more rest? More play? Is it time to hunt down our goals and chase the next achievement?

The previous 2 years have been in the metal element. Water after metal brings fluidity from rigid structure. Are we going with the flow? Do we need to ride the rapids or find a calm harbour from the tempest?

Water does need a container to be effective though - we need the riverbeds, the shore line, the lakes and dams to give ourselves direction. Without them we become directionless with our flowing, can become destructive and dry up too fast without the volume held safely in the container. Where are we feeling too contained? Do we have enough structure or are we too free-flowing? Are we spreading ourselves thin and risking drying up? Do we have structures in our life that support greater fluidity? Can we find the balance between containment and flow?

As we move into the yang descriptor for the year ahead we think of taking our inner expression out into the world around us. Too yang and we burn out, too yin and we achieve nothing. The power of action needs to be balanced with the down time of rest. How do you manage this in your life? Sometimes, we need to remember that even in the being we are doing - percolating the next idea, allowing creative solutions to flow through from the Divine into our manifest reality.

This year is about focussing on your life purpose. What are you here to achieve? What feels right for you? Can you set yourself up with action towards your Highest Good? What gifts, talents, passions and desires do you need to tap into to feel the life force flowing through your body and bring more vitality to your day-to-day existence?

We can use the energy this year to access the individual within Universal Oneness, and Oneness within the individual, as, right now, we are also tapping into Aquarian energy with this new moon. We are all independent expressions of Universal Life Force energy - can we honour both parts of ourself. How will we express ourselves and add to the common good? How do we honour society, our place in it and our individual needs?

Trust in yourself knowing that the Universe is conspiring for you and working with you to help you become the best expression of you. You are deeply loved.

Wishing you a Happy Lunar New Year and sending you love and blessings as we deepen our connection and move towards community and oneness.

Amanda Kate